Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Strategic Communication in Banking Services: Navigating Public Diplomacy and Employee Well-being in Digital Era
Journal of Communication and Public Relations (JCPR) Vol.3 No.1, January 2024

In the dynamic landscape of service marketing, effective communication strategies are imperative for banks to build trust, engage customers, and manage their reputation. This volume delves into the Service Marketing Communication Strategy of Banks, shedding light on the Rohingya Crisis Public Diplomacy, and exploring the role of employees in managing work stress through public relations discourse and interpersonal communication, leveraging personal sport devices.

In the digital era, banks are faced with the challenge of not only delivering financial services but also effectively communicating their value propositions. Service marketing in banking involves creating a compelling narrative that resonates with customers, addressing their needs, and differentiating the bank from its competitors. Banks employ a multi-channel communication strategy, utilizing traditional mediums such as print and television, as well as digital platforms, social media, and mobile applications. By delivering consistent messages across various channels, banks enhance their brand visibility and credibility. Banks must engage in responsible corporate citizenship by contributing to relief efforts, supporting local communities, and transparently communicating their involvement. This not only fosters a positive brand image but also aligns the bank with societal values, enhancing its reputation as a socially responsible entity.

Public relations discourse within the organization can serve as a tool for fostering a positive work environment. Regular communication from leadership about the bank's commitment to employee welfare, recognition of achievements, and open channels for feedback contribute to a supportive workplace culture.

Employees are the backbone of any organization, and their well-being directly impacts the quality of services provided. In the banking sector, managing work stress is paramount to ensuring employee satisfaction and, consequently, delivering superior customer service.

Innovative approaches to employee well-being include leveraging personal sport devices. Many banks now encourage the use of fitness trackers or smartwatches to promote a healthy lifestyle among employees. These devices not only track physical activity but also provide insights into sleep patterns and stress levels.Interpersonal communication plays a significant role in managing work stress among employees. Providing training in effective communication, conflict resolution, and stress management equips employees with the skills needed to navigate workplace challenges. Moreover, encouraging open dialogue and creating forums for employees to share their concerns fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie.Incorporating these personal sport devices into workplace wellness programs encourages a holistic approach to employee well-being. Banks can organize fitness challenges, offer incentives for achieving health goals, and create a positive and energetic work environment.

In addition, the problems of the Indonesian people is public diplomacy plays a crucial role in shaping public perception, especially when addressing sensitive issues such as humanitarian crises. For banks operating in regions affected by crises, like the Rohingya crisis, public diplomacy becomes an essential component of their communication strategy.


Jakarta, January 2024


Editor in Chief of JCPR

Assoc. Professor Dr. Ulani Yunus, MM

Published: 2024-01-18

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The Journal of Communication and Public Relations (JCPR) is an international, peer reviewed journal for conceptual and research on communication studies and public relations.


Focus and Scope

JCPR focused on Communication Studies area. The scope of the Journal (but not limited out other issues in the area of Communication Sciences) are on the following matters:

  • Organizational Communication. The process of sending and receiving messages among interrelated individuals to achieve common goals in a particular environment or organization. 
  • Development Communication. Communication that facilitates social development through information dissemination and education, social marketing, media advocacy, social change and community participation.
  • Reputation management. Communication that influences, controls or shapes people perception of a brand, corporate or individual
  • Government Public Relations. The strategic communication that helps to communicate and interact with governmental publics.
  • Media Relations. Communication that attaches between organization or public relations professionals and media (editors, reporters and journalists) to have a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Corporate Communication. Communication that involves a set of activities with external and internal stakeholders to create favorable conditions.
  • Marketing Communication. The use of different marketing and communication channels to deliver the messages to its desired market.
  • Public Affairs Communication. Communication that engages with the principles, systems, law, or regulatory to the public good in between corporate or government institutions with their stakeholders.


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