The Effect of Communication Style and Non Verbal Communication of Leader on Employee Performance


  • Ni Nyoman Stephanie Okta Bella Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR



communication style; non-verbal communication; employee performance; organization; leadership


In this modern era, communication becomes an important part of life. Dynamical of communication make people get used with communication. Communication not only verbal but also no-verbal such as gesture, facial expression, intonation, and etc to support deliver messages. In the organization such as coordinating minister of maritime affairs also need communication. in 2018, there is a reshuffle which changing Head of Legal and Information Bearau into Head of General Bureau. The General Bureau handles internal activities and needs at the Maritime which must be available for 24-hour services. The replacement of Head General Bureau needs to be adapted between leader and staff inside. The changing of new leadership make this research want to know is the influence of communication style and non-verbal style could affect employee performance of general bureau. This research using LMX (Leadership Member Exchange) theory, also research method using multiple regression linear analysis and conducted by distributing questionnaires to 142 respondents. The result of the research that there are influence of communication style and non-verbal communication  on employee performance of general bureau by 72% and 28% could be explain by another factor. The result of T-test explain that  in partially variable of communication style effect on employee performance but non-verbal communication did not affect the employee performance.


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How to Cite

Bella , N. N. S. O. . (2022). The Effect of Communication Style and Non Verbal Communication of Leader on Employee Performance. COMMENTATE: Journal of Communication Management, 3(2), 136–150.