The Role of Government Digital Public Relations in Providing Innovative Information to the Public


  • Azizah Derivanti Nasional University



Humas, Digital, Media sosial, Pemerintah


This study aims to determine the role and activities of public relations in providing the most innovative services and information to the external public, in this case the public. This research is motivated by the rapid advancement of technology in providing information to the external public, with the rapid development of technology and social media, this helps the performance of digital public relations in shaping the perspective of the community, branding government agencies, being closer to the public and disseminating innovative information to the public. Digital PR uses various digital platforms and digital channels in providing information or publications to the public. Public relations can also monitor feedback from the public on government institutions and be responsive in responding. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of government public relations in providing services and disseminating innovative public information. This study uses the concept of  digital public relations which discusses the interaction and dissemination and publication of information using digital communication and social media. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach and using the positivism paradigm. The data collected in this study were in-depth interviews and observations.  The results of this study show that the role of public relations in disseminating information is to use digital channels and social media, namely Instagram, Twitter, website, Tiktok. From the results of this study is that government public relations disseminate information and publications by utilizing social media Instagram, Twitter, websites and other digital channels.


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How to Cite

Derivanti, A. (2022). The Role of Government Digital Public Relations in Providing Innovative Information to the Public . COMMENTATE: Journal of Communication Management, 3(2), 165–170.