The Influence of Promotion Content at Shopee Indonesia’s Instagram Account on Consumptive Behaviour for Late Adolescent Girls in Jakarta


  • Reni Dyanasari Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
  • Dewi Silvialestari Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
  • Faisya Syifa Mutma Universitas Pembangunan Jaya



Promotion, Instagram, Social Media Marketing, Market Place, Content Marketing


The rise in online shopping in Indonesia is significantly linked to National Online Shopping Day (Harbolnas), launched on December 12, 2012, by the Indonesian E-commerce Association (idEA). Harbolnas has become essential for both sellers and buyers, with the “8.8” August 2020 promotion alone increasing transactions by 66%. Monthly twin date promotions by platforms like Shopee Indonesia drive consumer engagement. Instagram plays a key role in influencing late adolescent girls' shopping behavior in Jakarta. For that, this study wanted to see how the impact of promotional content on Instagram accounts on late adolescent consumptive behavior of girl in Jakarta.  This study uses a post-positivist paradigm with quantitative methods, collecting data through surveys targeting this demographic. The correlation table results indicate that the content has an influence on consumptive behavior, as the obtained value is 0.544, which falls into the category of moderately correlated. Furthermore, based on the coefficient of determination formula, the contribution of the content variable (X) to consumptive behavior (Y) is found to be 29%, while the remaining 71% is influenced by other factors outside the variables in this study. In this study, the linear regression equation can be observed as Y = 14059 + 0.800 (11) = 14067.8. This indicates that in this study, the value of consumptive behavior will increase as the value of promotion content increases.

Author Biographies

Reni Dyanasari, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya

Reni Dyanasari, S.Ikom, M.Si completed her undergraduate education in the field of public relations, followed by postgraduate studies in marketing communication, which was successfully completed at the end of 2011. She has experience in the Marketing division as a Marketing Planner at one of the Mass Media companies in Indonesia. Currently, she is a full-time lecturer at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, teaching several communication courses, particularly in the field of public relations. Reni's research focus began as a member of a team investigating virtual communities on social media, and to date, she continues her research in the field of communication and public relations.

Dewi Silvialestari, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya

Dewi Silvialestari, S.Kp.M., M.Si., completed her Bachelor's degree at the Department of Communication and Community Development Science, IPB University in 2011, and her Master's degree in Communication Science at the University of Indonesia in 2015. Dewi has extensive experience in the field of communications, including broadcasting, marketing communications, social media, and teaching various courses related to communication management and social media. Her research focuses specifically on marketing communications, public relations, and digital communications.

Faisya Syifa Mutma, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya

Fasya Syifa Mutma, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom completed her bachelor's degree in Communication Science, actively involved in various extracurricular activities. Her dedication to maintaining strong academic records, paved the way for her to graduate with honors (Cum Laude) and receive recognition for her outstanding academic achievements. Fasya pursued her passion for education, Fasya pursuing a master's degree in Strategic Corporate Communication, graduating with honors (Cum Laude). Now, as a dedicated educator, she imparts her knowledge in public relations, event management, environmental communication, and public speaking, and contributes to research and community service. Her research focus on marketing communication, public relations, and environmental communication.


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How to Cite

Reni Dyanasari, Silvialestari, D., & Syifa Mutma, F. (2024). The Influence of Promotion Content at Shopee Indonesia’s Instagram Account on Consumptive Behaviour for Late Adolescent Girls in Jakarta. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 3(2), 62–82.